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From Twitter
Is anyone looking for funding for sequencing fungal pathogens? Deadline Aug 31.
— LIFE Worldwide (@LIFEworldwide) July 5, 2019
Creation of the Institut Pasteur du #Laos Foundation. It will support research on infectious #diseases by providing funding that will go towards research projects, the salaries of scientists, technicians and support staff.
— INSTITUT PASTEUR (@institutpasteur) July 10, 2019
Faculty position with Transplant Infectious Diseases available at University of Nebraska Medical Center. We will interview at IDWeek. Please message for more information. Please re-tweet the message. @UNMC_ID @EStohs #TxID
— Diana Florescu (@dfflorescu) July 9, 2019
Two #PhD candidate positions in my lab to work on genomics of human fungal pathogens #PhDchat #jobs pls RT
— Toni Gabaldón (@toni_gabaldon) November 18, 2015
13 brilliant Early Stage Researchers wanted! @OpathyITN network, omics of fungal pathogens. Pls RT #PhD #jobs
— Opathy (@OpathyITN) September 28, 2015