
Oropharyngeal histoplasmosis: a manifestation of disseminated disease

Histoplasmosis is a fungal infection endemic to areas of Central America and Midwest USA. Most people develop a mild form of infection and are asymptomatic; if symptoms do occur they are usually flu-like, but can vary greatly. In a few, usually immunosuppressed, patients the disease can progress to life-threatening, disseminated histoplasmosis. Dr Thais Pincelli and colleagues recently reviewed all 10 cases of oropharyngeal histoplasmosis identified over a 21 year period at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.

Indwelling catheters and immune disorders are risk factors for systemic Malassezia infection

Malassezia typically causes skin infections but can occasionally cause systemic disease, particularly in patients with indwelling devices such as central venous catheters. Dr Pedrosa and colleagues have published a literature review and three unrelated cases of systemic Malassezia at a hospital in Portugal.

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