
1 in 15 TB sufferers go on to develop chronic pulmonary aspergillosis, treatment could save 1000s

A collaboration between scientists in Manchester and Uganda reveals that around 1 in 15 tuberculosis patients go on to develop chronic pulmonary aspergillosis (CPA), via cavities left by the tuberculosis. Prompt diagnosis and antifungal treatment has the potential to save many thousands of lives.

Comparison of three MALDI-ToF libraries (MSI, Bruker, NIH) for identification of filamentous fungi

MALDI-ToF mass spectrometry has proven useful in identifying bacteria in clinical samples, but the technology has lagged behind in its use for filamentous fungi. Dr Stein and colleagues in Canada compared three libraries (MSI, Bruker v1.0 and NIH) for their ability to identify clinical and reference strains.

Indwelling catheters and immune disorders are risk factors for systemic Malassezia infection

Malassezia typically causes skin infections but can occasionally cause systemic disease, particularly in patients with indwelling devices such as central venous catheters. Dr Pedrosa and colleagues have published a literature review and three unrelated cases of systemic Malassezia at a hospital in Portugal.

Children receiving voriconazole should receive ECG monitoring and electrolyte imbalance correction

Voriconazole can induce QTc prolongation and life-threatening arrhythmias. Dr Pasternak and colleagues in Israel found that QTcP >60 ms occurred in around a third of children receiving voriconazole. They recommend ECG monitoring for all patients, and correction of electrolyte imbalances (especially potassium) before initiating voriconazole treatment.

How well is long-term fluconazole tolerated?

Safety and tolerability data for long-term use of fluconazole are scarce. Dr Davis and colleagues have published a study of 124 coccidioidomycosis patients in California and found that around half (52%) experienced significant side effects, in particular dry skin, hair loss and fatigue.

New prospective open-label study on anidulafungin for invasive candidiasis in children

Recommendations for using anidulafungin (Ecalta/Eraxis) to treat invasive candidiasis in children are largely extrapolated from trials in adults. Dr Roilides and colleagues have published data from a trial of 49 children reporting a global response rate of 71% and a drug-related adverse event rate of 37% (10% discontinued due to AEs).

Fungal Infection Care Ghana’s CPA Awareness Seminar on World Aspergillosis Day

On February 1st World Aspergillosis Day was marked around the world, with several events occurring. In Ghana, Fungal Infections Care (FIC) held a seminar to raise awareness of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis (CPA).

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