Guatemala’s leading HIV centre reported that deaths from HIV rose from 16.6% to 27.3% during COVID-19. Just published in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases – Narda Medina and colleagues charted the provision of HIV care in Guatemala and how the global pandemic has affected diagnosis and treatment. Patient attendances and rapid services were also […]
Turkish review of mucormycosis in children shows high mortality rate and importance of urgent evaluation when infection is suspected
A new paper published by the Çukurova University Faculty of Medicine in Adana, Turkey, re-examines historical cases of mucormycosis in children. Mucormycosis is an emerging fungal infection with poor health outcomes. This infection is of particular interest due to its links to increased fatalities in the COVID-19 outbreak in India. This retrospective review focuses on […]
New Japanese study highlights improved diagnosis technique for tinea unguium
Fungi such as Cryptococcus, Histoplasma and Coccidiodes can survive antifungal therapy by residing asymptomatically in the prostate of immunocompromised patients, in some cases leading to relapse
Fungal prostatitis due to Cryptococcus and endemic mycoses
Fungi such as Cryptococcus, Histoplasma and Coccidiodes can survive antifungal therapy by residing asymptomatically in the prostate of immunocompromised patients, in some cases leading to relapse
Smoking appears to increase the risk of invasive fungal infections, particularly from dimorphic fungi
A meta-analysis by Pourbaix et al found a overall risk ratio of 1.41 when comparing risk of IFI in smokers to non-smokers, particularly for infections caused by dimorphic fungi such as histoplasmosis, blastomycosis and coccidioidomycosis
Skin biopsy distinguishes cutaneous leishmaniasis from lobomycosis in Colombian soldiers
Lobomycosis (AKA lacaziosis) is an implantation mycosis endemic to the Amazon basin, caused by Lacazia loboi. Nodular keloid lesions grow slowly and can cause disfigurement. Biopsy of lesions shows many thick-walled yeast cells forming chains, which may co-occur with other infections (e.g. leprosy, leishmaniasis) or squamous cell carcinoma.
Suspect histoplasmosis in returning travellers from an endemic area presenting with fever and cough
Histoplasmosis can present in a variety of ways, making it difficult to diagnose. Dr Staffolani and colleagues carried out a systematic review of 835 cases of histoplasmosis (including 45 clusters) from the literature, among immunocompetent patients who had recently returned from an endemic area. Manifestations included fever (91%), cough (55%), constitutional symptoms (58%), headache (52%) and chest pain (41%).
Candida auris found among Russian ICU patients
Dr Barantsevich and colleagues describe a series of 49 trauma patients at an ICU in Moscow from whom Candida auris was isolated. Fluconazole resistance was widespread. However, no isolates were recovered by monthly swabbing of the hospital environment, healthcare workers’ hands and devices.
WHO adds Histoplasma antigen test to their Essential Diagnostics List
The World Health Organisation has updated its Essential Medicines List to the Histoplasma antigen test, which can be used on urine to diagnose histoplasmosis in 48 hours. Rolling out this test worldwide could save up to 48,000 lives in 5 years.
Cryptococcosis in HIV- patients show atypical presentation, leading to delayed diagnosis
Cryptococcosis is well known as a complication of HIV/AIDS, but it can also affect those who are immunosuppressed for other reasons. Dr Marr and colleagues describe a set of 138 patients from the US. Around half (49%) had CNS involvement but only just over a quarter (27.8%) had a fever.